Catholic Diocese of Cork and Ross, Ireland

Skibbereen celebrates 50 years of support for vocations to priesthood

Last Sunday (September 8th) Bishop Fintan Gavin received a very warm welcome from Skibbereen parish as he celebrated the 11am Mass to commemorate 50 years of the The Vocations Society of St Joseph (previous known as the St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society) in Skibbereen. 

In his homily, Bishop Fintan encouraged people to pray for vocations and to support and encourage any young man who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood. 

“We give thanks for the Vocations Society of St Joseph and it’s work and witness over 50 years. We pray that we will continue the work into the future as we find new ways of encouraging and fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life”,  Bishop Fintan said. 

John Deasy, president of the Skibbereen branch of the Vocations Society of St Joseph's, making a presentation to Bishop Fintan.John Deasy, president of the Skibbereen branch of the Vocations Society of St Joseph's, making a presentation to Bishop Fintan.
Sheila Kelleher has been appointed Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Digital Communications in the diocese.Sheila Kelleher has been appointed Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Digital Communications in the diocese.

Clontead parishioner appointed to new role in the diocese. 

Bishop Fintan Gavin has announced the appointment of Sheila Kelleher as Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Digital Communications in the Diocese of Cork and Ross. Sheila is based at the Diocesan Offices in Redemption Road.

She is from Clontead Parish and in recent years has worked with the Chaplaincy at UCC.

Youth Ministry is about supporting the outreach of families of parishes, colleges, and schools and “wherever two or three” young people gather, to bring the message of Christ to them in new ways. Sheila will work alongside those who are already involved in programmes for young people as well as helping those who wish to take first steps in this essential part of our mission.

Volunteer nurses meet with organisers of the pilgrimageVolunteer nurses meet with organisers of the pilgrimage

Preparations for the Cork and Ross Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes are well and truly underway with a series of events taking place over the weekend.

The pilgrimage which is fully booked and will take place from Friday 20th to Wednesday 25th September.

On Friday evening last, volunteer Lourdes helpers undertook safeguarding training, which was held in the SMA Wilton. Special thanks to Julie McCullough (Director of Safeguarding with the Irish Province of Carmelites) for providing our volunteers with this important training.

On Saturday, the young adult helpers group gathered in Mardyke House to prepare for the upcoming pilgrimage to Lourdes. On Sunday, a group of young and student nurses who are travelling on this year’s pilgrimage also gathered in Mardyke House.

Alpha Ireland is running an ‘Explore Alpha’ event

This will take place at the:

Western Gateway Building of UCC
Cork T12 K8AF

Location Map


Saturday, 14 September 2024

from 9:30am to 3:00pm

Alpha Ireland will unpack the culture of Alpha, especially in relation to hospitality, invitation, and prayer with practical examples on how this might look in your parish.

There will be an opportunity to attend seminars in the afternoon to explore the Alpha suite in more depth (Alpha, Alpha Youth, The Marriage Courses and The Parenting Courses).

Lunch will be provided. There is a suggested donation of €15.

If you wish to attend Book Here

Explore Alpha - Sat 14 Sep 2024Explore Alpha - Sat 14 Sep 2024
At the FOCUS gathering are with Bishop Fintan names are as follows: (L-R) Eva Conroy (FOCUS), Miriam Dunne (Presentation Brothers), Dylan Little (FOCUS), Fr Gerard Dunne (UCC Chaplain), Br Anthony (Presentation Brothers), Bishop Fintan Gavin, Aine Lee (FOCUS), Br Martin Kenneally (Presentation Brothers), Brendan & Alanna Keenan (FOCUS).At the FOCUS gathering with Bishop Fintan are (L-R) Eva Conroy (FOCUS), Miriam Dunne (Presentation Brothers), Dylan Little (FOCUS), Fr Gerard Dunne (UCC Chaplain), Br Anthony (Presentation Brothers), Bishop Fintan Gavin, Aine Lee (FOCUS), Br Martin Kenneally (Presentation Brothers), Brendan & Alanna Keenan (FOCUS).

A group of young Catholics is preparing to spent a year on campus engaging with their peers about their faith.

FOCUS Missionaries are a Catholic organisation who evangelise on campuses in America and Europe. They have successfully completed one academic year in University College Cork working in collaboration with UCC Chaplaincy.

They invite students to enter more deeply into their faith while at university. They host bible study groups, discipleship groups, retreats and prayer groups as part of their outreach to students in UCC.

As part of their training and preparation for a second year on mission in UCC, they met for two days with the Chaplaincy Team and members of the Presentation Brothers LEAF project to reflect and plan for the year ahead in Mardyke House.

As part of the ongoing mission of evangelisation in the Diocese of Cork and Ross, FOCUS play a key role in the building up of young people of faith, and those exploring their faith. Bishop Fintan spent some time with this planning process and encouraged the FOCUS team and the UCC chaplaincy team in their outreach to third level students in UCC, reminding them that they are instruments of the Gospel in a world that yearns to hear the Good News.

“As you embark on a new year in UCC, you as chaplains and missionaries are invited, like Peter and his companions in today’s Gospel, to put out into deep water; to bring hope and know that the Lord has a plan and a purpose for each of you and the students you encounter,” Bishop Fintan said.

Chaplaincy Focus Team who will be based at UCC for the coming year.The Chaplaincy Focus Team who will be based at UCC for the coming year.